A vertical list is used to give you a quick, at-a-glance view of the huge amount of data, and simple information can be quickly learned by pressing the arrow buttons on the list.
That's useful information. I'll use it well.
(유용한 정보네요~ 요긴하게 잘 쓰겠습니다.)
It's a good application and it's well-made.
(좋은 어플이고 잘 만들어졌네요.)
Oh~ I had to go to the homepage to search, but it's easy to search on the app. It's nice. Plus, it has a learning function, which is very helpful for studying! Thank you.
(오~ 검색하려면 홈페이지 들어가야 했었는데 어플로 나오니 간단하게 검색 되고 좋네요~ 거기다 학습기능까지 있으니 공부하는데 많음 도움 되네요 ! 감사합니다. 턱턱!!)
This is the best oriental medicine app that helps people who have common sense about prevention.
(한방관련앱중에서 일반인중에 방제상식이 있는사람에게 도움돼는 가장 좋은 앱이네요)